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Sociodemographic disparities in everyday discrimination among a national sample of US adults, 2023

Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL.

Medical mistrust and COVID-19 vaccine attitudes and behavior: Findings from a population-based cohort study in Michigan.

Ryu S, Patel A, Allgood KL, Mattingly DT, Hirschtick JL, Orellana RC, Fleischer NL.

Lifestyle factors and associations with individual and comorbid cardiometabolic and pulmonary disease among U.S. adults

Agbonlahor O, Mattingly DT, Richardson MK, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL.

Health care provider e-cigarette-related advice and e-cigarette harm perceptions among youth.

Agbonlahor O, Mattingly DT, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL.

Extensive social media use and frequency of current e-cigarette use among US youth. 

Richardson MK, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL, Mattingly DT 

Factors associated with disposable electronic cigarette use among US youth: A national repeated cross-sectional study, 2021–22

Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Richardson MK, Rayens MK, Rose SW, Hart JL

Prevalence of and trends in current cannabis use among US youth and adults, 2013–2022

Mattingly DT, Richardson MK, Hart JL

Trends in youth opinions about police agencies in the United States, 2017-2021

Mattingly DT, Fleischer NL

Association of race-ethnicity intersection with disparities in cigarette smoking in US adults

Dai HD, Subica A, Mattingly DT, Harlow A, Leventhal AM

Trends in current electronic cigarette use among youth by age, sex, and race and ethnicity

Mattingly DT, Hart JL

Distress about social problems and tobacco and cannabis use outcomes among young adults

Mattingly DT, Mezuk B, Elliott MR, Neighbors HW, Leventhal AM, Flesicher NL

Psychological distress and cannabis vaping among U.S. adolescents

Mattingly DT, Agbonlahor O, Hart JL, McLeish AC, Walker KL

Racial and ethnic disparities in mental health problems and tobacco and cannabis use among US emerging adults

Mattingly DT, Mezuk B, Elliott MR, Neighbors HW, Fleischer NL

Latent classes of tobacco and cannabis use among youth and young adults in the United States

Mattingly DT, Elliott MR, Fleischer NL

Longitudinal associations between exclusive, dual, and polytobacco use and incident asthma among US youth

Mattingly DT, Cook S, Hirschtick JL, Patel A, Arenberg DA, Barnes GD, Levy DT, Meza R, Fleischer NL

Discrimination and tobacco use outcomes among US adults: Effect modification by race/ethnicity

Mattingly DT, Mezuk B, Elliott MR, Fleischer NL


Cannabis use falls among US teenagers but rises among everyone else – study

The Guardian, 2024

Youth e-cigarette use peaked in 2019

Healio Pediatrics, 2024

UK awarded $19 million to research tobacco regulation in Appalachia, inform FDA

UKNow, 2023

Teen Psychological Distress Linked to Recent Cannabis Vaping

Psychiatric News (APA), 2023


Lifetime depressive disorder and substance use among US adult cancer survivors

Gray-Sinkfield A

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Students (ABRCMS)

Factors associated with handgun carriage among US youth, 2021-2022

Mattingly DT

2024 Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) Conference

Perceived racism and discrimination and current and daily tobacco use outcomes among US adolescents

Richardson MK

2024 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Expo

Factors associated with dual and polytobacco use among US adults, 2020-2022

Richardson MK

2024 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Expo

Racial/ethnic disparities in daily anxiety and daily ends use among us adults: The National Health Interview Survey, 2020-2022

Mattingly DT

2024 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) annual meeting

Health care provider advice to abstain from using e-cigarettes and e-cigarette harm perceptions among U.S. youth

Mattingly DT

2024 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) annual meeting

Substance use and cardiovascular disease among U.S. adults: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2017-2018

Mattingly DT

2024 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) annual meeting

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